What's Up Today?

Let’s see now…what’s on my mind today? Hmmm…? 

Nothing much really…I mean I did watch the Trumpster on tv last eve and I admit to being somewhat perplexed by the circus that the State of the Union address seems to have devolved to. It took me back to my childhood and the many Sunday mornings spent at St Josephs Catholic church in Dawson Creek; stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down. Of course at church we didn’t applaud…Jesus apparently does not require applause… and we did do a lot of kneeling in between all the standup-sitdowns. Which has left me wondering; will there be kneeling rails installed for next years SOTU if saint Donaldo is still hanging in? It seems to me that kneeling in supplication may be the only sycophantic symbol of adoration left for Republicans to turn to. For never have so many aging faces shone with the rapturous glory of gazing upon their dear leader as he enumerated the stunning achievements and countless victories of his first year of making America groan again; never before have they cheered so enthusiastically for the master as he clapped endlessly for his own banal bullshit, never before have the victims of heinous crimes been put on display as evidence of the evil nature of immigrants…in a nation of immigrants. 

Ah well… 

It’s all showbiz folks! 

On the other side of the room the Dems sat stone faced except for the obligatory salute to the nation’s warriors and other randomly selected heroes. 

So today it feels good to be a Canadian; to be a member of a small quiet society that does not generally get a lot of attention from America’s big boss man. That being said, we are having some issues over NAFTA because, apparently, the Don thinks we are much smarter than Americans and have scooped them on trade while quietly slipping under the protective cloak of their mighty military FOR FREE. 

Tee hee hee…I think he’s right. 

But really, I haven’t been thinking about all that at all today, at least not consciously. It’s often surprising to me what comes up when faced with a blank page. 

So anyway, we’re back to me having nothing on my mind. Nothing on one’s  mind is a much sought after state…just ask anyone who’s attempted to meditate. Perhaps I ought to suggest, as a new meditation technique, that one way to empty the head is to sit down in front of a blank page with an intention to write something. In the wee space between the intending and the movement of fingers there will be a space of utter emptiness, a recognizable emptiness, when every chattering monkey in the tree has it’s hands clamped tightly over it’s mouth. Aah…silence. But silence is not the mind’s natural state, in fact, it abhors a thought vacuum and will usually fill it instantly with the nearest piece of mental detritus it can grasp…in my case today, the great yankee clown. I apologize, but on the other hand, my blank page now has writing on it, which was my objective when I sat down. So…. 

Or you could watch a stinkbug walking, like a fossil come to life, for an inch or two.

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