Beware the Ides of March

The Ides of March. A very bad day for Julius Caesar… or so the story goes. Imperial blood on the tile, multiple knife holes in the royal toga, betrayal, disbelief, death. 

Yup…sounds like March to me. Not that I necessarily identify with Juli C…we have, after all, but one thing in common… like Juli, I too have found March to be the most obnoxious of months…especially around the middle, when it is neither winter nor spring, when one day may be bathed in glorious warmth and sunshine only to be followed the next by a winter blast to make the teeth chatter and the tongue curse. 

March is schizophrenic, bi-polar, multiple personality. 

March madness…comes in like a lamb, goes out like a lion…or vice versa…either way it’s not to be trusted…could be the end of winter…or not. 

March, bloody March. 

When will this winter end? 

Or will it end? 

Or is this the year the planet tumbles ass over teakettle into a permanent Winter-World with some kind of cosmic malfunction creating an instant ice age? 


You get the point, right? 

I’m sick of winter. 

Beware the Ides of March indeed!