Do You Like Exclamation Points?

                                               KBG Blog  June 10/17 

I’m playing at being a writer…sitting down at the keyboard with the intention of communicating…of reaching out…entertaining…perhaps even learning how to punctuate. 

The motivation for my doing this is to draw attention to my band and our music; I wanna know if you like it, if it moves you or if you don’t know wtf  I’m saying. It’s all stuff I wanna know. 

There is so much going on creatively within the band and I have some new songs to bring to David. I must say that bringing in new stuff is my favourite part of the process. I’m always excited to hear where he’s going to take them and I’ve come to have great faith in his taste. Songs take on a new dimension when Dave and I get together on them. When I get on drums and he on guitar…we can groove…it takes only two to set a groove and, for me, groove is fundamental. If you can ice the groove you have a chance at making a song fly…if not, no matter what you do, the thing is lame. Dave may change an arrangement, chord progression, whatever…he’s a huge part of the end result. And, of course, he plays bass and all the guitars you hear on our stuff. 

Anyway, back to the playing at writing idea, awhile ago I found myself sitting here, staring at the screen with absolutely no idea what I was doing thinking, ‘I have nothing to write about today, no fucking idea’. And then it occurred to me that what I was experiencing must be a very common experience among writers…which brought forth a chuckle and the thought, ’So this is what it feels like to be a writer’… et voila!…I’m having FUN! And that’s important because if this work turns into a drag or a chore it will doubtless fall by the wayside…I’m just too long-in-the-tooth to be purposefully aggravating myself and besides, I tend to be lousy at doing things I hate doing. 

A little aside… I heard just the other day that the most commonly used punctuation mark in the textisphere…  (Taa-Daa! and a new word is born, at least in my mind)…is the EXCLAMATION MARK!!  Yes! 

Now you must admit, as far as punctuation goes, you can’t mistake it’s intention…it’s a Whoooshhh-bang…or… Whoooshhh-bang!  And there it is. I can see why it’s caught on, it’s the ‘no-bullshit!’ sign. Just think of what that sign in the wrong hands might do…If one were to grab it by the bottom of the vertical stroke it becomes a baseball bat ready to bash that tiny period right into the middle of your eyeball. …! (lest we forget)  Ouch!! 

So here I am writing about not being able to write …but somehow I’ve managed to get three-quarters of the way down the page. (Now, to be sure, I am using a rather large font BUT!…only single spacing.)  And this is where the fun is, this kind of strange magic of the mind…where does all this shit come from? The same place as my songs I guess. It’s there because I insist that it be there…and I insist that it be there because it’s such a rush to create something…and if I create enough stuff some of it may rise to the level that I can get some cash for it…and that’s the circle of life isn’t it?…we’re all just trying to get along as best we can using whatever skills or talents we have. 

So now, back to the KBG…we were not getting in the rehearsal time needed to get this show on the road, at least not at the level it has to be at, anytime soon. So, we took some time Wednesday night to renew our vows, so to speak. The plan now is to stay in the closet until October. We want to debut the show and have an album release party at the same time. I have an idea for the venue; we’ll see how it works out. 

In the mean time Dave and I have a large order to fulfill. We want another three to five songs recorded and I want some of them to be from the stuff that Dave hasn’t even heard yet. Soooo…let’s get to it! 

Ok then… enough for now 


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